Minimum room area: 36m2
Minimum room height: 3.1m
Finishing materials: The ceiling and walls of the operating room should be constructed with soundproof, thermal-insulating, antibacterial, smooth, and easily cleanable materials that do not generate dust.
Flooring using specialized antibacterial Vinyl material for medical environments.
Operating room doors should be automatic opening and closing door, smooth-surfaced, and provide high air tightness.
Temperature requirement in the room: 21-26 degrees Celsius
Humidity: 60-70%
Noise level below 50dB
Room pressure difference: 10-15 Pa
Air exchange rate: 15-20 times per hour
Cleanliness class 10,000 – ISO 7: for standard operating rooms
Cleanliness class 100,000 – ISO 8: for minor surgery rooms and clean corridors