On December 5th, at the iconic Marina Bay Sands in Singapore, a two-day series of events centred around cleanroom technology took place with active participation from INTECH Group.
Engaging in this edition of the Cleanroom Technology Conference, INTECH Group had the opportunity to meet numerous experts and partners from various continents in the cleanroom field.
Additionally, INTECH Group contributed by sharing insights on “High-tech Manufacturing,” drawing considerable attention as we clarified the environmental requirements in high-tech manufacturing: cleanrooms and clean utility systems.
With a solid technological foundation and years of experience implementing FDI projects in Vietnam and internationally, INTECH Group continues to learn and update its knowledge to international standards. The focus remains on providing optimal solutions and technologies for customers in the cleanroom and high-tech manufacturing sectors.
As the Cleanroom Technology Conference 2023 in Singapore concludes with various emotions and hopes, let’s look back at some of the highlights captured by INTECH Group at the event.
INTECH Group – Specialising total solutions for cleanroom and high-tech factories
![INTECH Group participated in learning, sharing, and networking at the Cleanroom Technology Conference 2023. ☎️]()
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![INTECH Group participated in learning, sharing, and networking at the Cleanroom Technology Conference 2023. 📧]()