

  • Address: 479 Luong Ngoc Quyen, Phan Dinh Phung, Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen
  • Categories: Construction of IVF cleanroom system for the hospital

Thai Nguyen Central Hospital is one of the reputable tertiary hospitals in the northern region. As part of the goal to enhance the quality of healthcare services, especially in the field of reproductive assistance, the hospital has implemented a project to construct a modern IVF cleanroom system according to international standards.

IVF Cleanroom System:

The IVF cleanroom system is designed and constructed according to international standards, ensuring a sterile, safe, and optimized environment for the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process. The system includes the following main functional areas:

  • Embryo preparation area: Where preparations for sperm and eggs are conducted before fertilization.
  • Fertilization area: Where the artificial fertilization process takes place.
  • Embryo incubation area: Where embryos are incubated under optimal conditions for development.
  • Embryo transfer area: Where embryos are transferred into the mother’s uterus.


  • Increase the success rate of assisted reproductive techniques, especially IVF.
  • Provide higher chances for infertile couples to become parents.
  • Deliver high-quality, safe, and effective healthcare services.


  • The modern IVF cleanroom system helps improve the success rate of assisted reproductive techniques.
  • The sterile and safe environment helps protect embryos from the risk of infection.
  • Professional and scientifically conducted processes following international standards.
  • Experienced and dedicated medical team.

Thai Nguyen Central Hospital is committed to providing high-quality, reputable, and effective reproductive assistance services to infertile couples.

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